
Training Details

Title of Training
Climate Actions for Local Area Planning: Combating Heat Extremes (CBP_24_01)
Duration of Training
5 days (35 hrs approx)
Starting Date
Ending Date

Training Description

Climate-Centric Planning for Local Areas (CBP_24_01)

Design & Budget

Cities of the world is aiming towards net-zero and reducing the global average temperature rise well within 2 degrees Celsius. Today, more than half of the world’s population lives in urban areas, and it is projected to reach 60% by the end of 2030. Cities are expanding, horizontally and vertically, to keep up with the pressures of rising population and widening gap between the demand and supply of resources. As a result, more natural landscapes are converted into artificial surfaces. While the real world seems to be burdened with the climate crisis and its multiple fallouts, scientists and researchers are developing ways to support planners, engineers, and architects to rise to this challenge with the advent of new tools and techniques. The question on how to proceed towards climate sensitive planning if we don’t know the degree of sensitivity our local areas already have?

This capacity building and skill enhancement workshop paves a way towards sustainable development goal 11-sustainable cities and communities as well as goal 13-climate action. The workshop presents an opportunity for the various stakeholders of the city to get equipped with urban climate theories and practices through hands-on exercises ranging from on ground measurement to the computational simulation of real and envisaged ideal case scenarios specifically focusing on heat extremes. The workshop thereby enables the participants to develop keen sense of understanding on regional to local climate conditions and identifying requirements for mitigation and adaption measures for climate extreme, especially with regards to heat waves. The workshop inculcates practical knowledge on an evidence-based climate centric planning.


Training Benefits

By the end of the training programme, participants will be able to have / perform –

• Applied understanding on climate measuring tools

• GIS based spatial representation of local environment

• Preparation of vulnerability and climate assessment reports

• Modelling and interpreting urban micro-climates

Project planning and development

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